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Read ebook - Critical Studies in Italian America: Italian Folk : Vernacular Culture in Italian-American Lives (2010, Paperback) TXT, EPUB


Sunday dinners, basement kitchens, and backyard gardens are everyday cultural entities long associated with Italian Americans, yet the general perception of them remains superficial and stereotypical at best. For many people, these scenarios trigger ingrained assumptions about individuals' beliefs, politics, aesthetics, values, and behaviors that leave little room for nuance and elaboration. This collection of essays explores local knowledge and aesthetic practices, often marked as "folklore", as sources for creativity and meaning in Italian-American lives. As the contributors demonstrate, folklore provides contemporary scholars with occasions for observing and interpreting behaviors and objects as part of lived experiences. Its study provides new ways of understanding how individuals and groups reproduce and contest identities and ideologies through expressive means. Italian Folk offers an opportunity to reexamine and rethink what we know about Italian Americans. The contributors to this unique book discuss historic and contemporary cultural expressions and religious practices from various parts of the United States and Canada to examine how they operate at local, national, and transnational levels. The essays attest to people's ability and willingness to create and reproduce certain cultural modes that connect them to social entities such as the family, the neighborhood, and the amorphous and fleeting communities that emerge in large-scale festivals and now onthe Internet. Italian Americans abandon, reproduce, and/or revive various cultural elements in relationship to ever-shifting political, economic, and social conditions. The results are dynamic, hybrid cultural forms such as valtaro accordion music, Sicilian oral poetry, a Columbus Day parade, and witchcraft (stregheria). By taking a closer look and an ethnographic approach to expressive behavior, we see that Italian-American identity is far from being a linear path of assimilation from Italian immigrant to American of Italian descent but is instead fraught with conflict, negotiation, and creative solutions. Together, these essays illustrate how folklore is evoked in the continual process of identity revaluation and reformation.

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You'll learn how they get their unique sound---while progressively arranged, original compositions give you a chance to try out these styles on your own.An alphabetical index lists over 1000 widely used verbs, and each one cross-refers the user to its basic model in the main verb tables.When French forces took the town of Niort during the Hundred Years War' in 1373, a famous writer of the time saw an old dog lying on the grave of its master, who had died in battle with the English.Captured here are two millennia of garden history--the most comprehensive garden photo documentary ever undertaken by a single author.Floyd, RaShell R.Philadelphia, where he encounters others grappling with fallout from the War on Terror.South. Interlaced with these far-from-common tensions are dualities we all share: our lives as both sacred and profane, our negotiation of both child and adult roles, our desires to be the person who belongs and also the person who is different.What we discover in "The Cruel Country "is how much Cofer has heretofore held back in her vivid and compelling writing.When Chips and his handler (Pvt John P.Eteraz paints our empire with the same erotic longing and black, depraved wit that Nabokov used sixty years ago in "Lolita." But whereas Nabokov's work was set in the heyday of America's cheerful upswing, Eteraz sets the country in the new, fractious world order.Many of them feature nautical-themed accessories or draw inspiration from beachcombing, displaying shells and driftwood to feel close to nature and the sound of the waves.