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Download Sew over It : Sew It, Wear It, Love It by Lisa Comfort in FB2, TXT


As seen on Kirstie Allsopp's Vintage Home . Nobody wants to look like everyone else and Lisa shows you just how easy it is to stand out from the crowd. In these tough economic times we're all looking for fun ways to make our pennies stretch further and so it's no wonder making-your-own is back in vogue. Expert crafter, Lisa Comfort, in this, her first book, shares the secrets of her sewing passion. Lisa guides you through all the basics of sewing by hand and machine, as well as providing you with the skills you need to follow her simple but stylish projects. Beautifully illustrated with step-by-step photography for over 25 fun and easy-to-follow sewing projects, this book is guaranteed to get both fashionistas and the crafting community talking, and the rest of us taking a trip to John Lewis... * Simple projects to make in a weekend * Customise, adapt and update vintage clothes * Make your own accessories * Easy instructions for one-off pieces to wear Now pick up your needle and thread, and get sewing!, Craft's hottest trend: inspirational sewing projects for customising and making your own clothes, from the owner of London's first sewing caf�. Lisa has appeared on the Alan Titchmarsh Show on ITV, at Latitude festival, and recently featured on the Kirstie Allsop Craft Show . Nobody wants to look like everyone else and Lisa shows you just how easy it is to stand out from the crowd. In these tough economic times we're all looking for fun ways to make our pennies stretch further and so it's no wonder making-your-own is back in vogue. Expert crafter, Lisa Comfort, in this, her first book, shares the secrets of her sewing passion. Lisa guides you through all the basics of sewing by hand and machine, as well as providing you with the skills you need to follow her simple but stylish projects. Beautifully illustrated with step-by-step photography for over 25 fun and easy-to-follow sewing projects, this book is guaranteed to get both fashionistas and the crafting community talking. Now pick up your needle and thread, and get sewing!, Craft's hottest trend: inspirational sewing projects for customizing and making your own clothes, from the owner of London's first sewing caf� Nobody wants to look like everyone else, and Lisa shows crafters just how easy it is to stand out from the crowd. In tough economic times everyone wants fun ways to make their pennies stretch, and so it's no wonder DIY is in vogue. Here an expert crafter shares the secrets of her sewing passion, offering simple projects to make in a weekend, instructions for unique accessories, methods to customize or update vintage clothing, and easy instructions for one-off pieces. She guides readers through all the basics of sewing by hand and machine, as well as providing them with the skills necessary to follow her simple but stylish projects. Beautifully illustrated with step-by-step photography for more than 25 fun and easy-to-follow sewing projects, this book is guaranteed to get both fashionistas and the crafting community talking., In these straightened economic times, we're all looking for fun ways to make savings so it's no wonder that crafting pursuits are back in vogue and haberdashery departments are being thronged with enthusiasts seeking out needles, threads and sewing machines. SEW OVER IT is the book every budding crafter has been waiting for. Lisa Comfort is the founder of London's first and only sewing caf and in her first book, she will be sharing the secrets of her passion. Lisa will guide you through all the basics of sewing by hand and machine as well as providing you with the skills you need to follow her simple and stylish projects. From how to customise your clothes using ribbons, buttons and motifs and how to alter your purchases, including taking up a hem or taking in a side seam, to simple projects such as making a skirt, this is your one-stop guide to discovering your inner creativity and saving your pennies, as well as giving your wardrobe a makeover. Beautifully illustrated with step-by-step photography for over 25 fun and easy-to-follow sewing projects, this book is guaranteed to get both fashionistas and the crafting community talking, and the rest of us taking a trip to John Lewis..., In these tough economic times, we're all looking for fun ways to make savings so it's no wonder that crafting pursuits are back in Vogue and haberdashery departments are being thronged with enthusiasts seeking out needles, threads and sewing machines. Expert crafter, Lisa Comfort, in this, her first book, shares the secrets of her sewing passion. Lisa guides you through all the basics of sewing by hand and machine, as well as providing you with the skills you need to follow her simple but stylish projects. With advice on altering vintage clothes, updating old favourites using buttons, motifs and ribbons, and Lisa's designs for fashionable new pieces, this is your one-stop guide to discovering your inner creativity and saving your pennies, as well as giving your wardrobe a makeover. Beautifully illustrated with step-by-step photography for over 25 fun and easy-to-follow sewing projects, this book is guaranteed to get both fashionistas and the crafting community talking, and the rest of us taking a trip to John Lewis...

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