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Read book Andrew Reeves - Essential Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy - Andrew Reeves: Working with Risk in Counselling and Psychotherapy in FB2, MOBI, EPUB


Filled with case studies, ethical dilemmas, reflective questions, discussion questions and suggestions for further reading, this book offers counsellors and psychotherapists guidance on how they can work with risk proactively and positively and provides hints and tips, and links to policy and research to inform good ethical practice along the way., The wide-ranging contexts in which counselling and psychotherapy is now practiced means clients present with a range of risks that therapists have to respond to. Risk is an ever-present issue for counsellors and psychotherapists and, in an increasingly litigious culture, the need for trainees to develop a sound understanding of how the right tools and the right knowledge can support their practice has never been greater. In this book Andrew Reeves takes trainees, newly qualified practitioners, and more experienced practitioners step-by-step through what is meant by risk, offering practical hints and tips and links to policy and research to inform good ethical practice along the way. This book tackles: - The definition of risk and how risk is linked to social, psychological and relational factors - Working with those who are at risk of suicide, self-injury, self-harm and/or are an endangerment to others - How therapists should respond to the risk in situations involving child protection, mental health crises, and in the therapeutic process itself - The positive side of risk-taking - How counsellors and psychotherapists can work with risk proactively and positively, informed by research. Filled with case studies, ethical dilemmas, reflective questions, discussion questions and further reading, this book offers counsellors and psychotherapists guidance on how they can work with risk proactively and positively. It is an essential resource for all services, organisations and individual practitioners., Working with risk is a reality for counsellors and psychotherapists. A sound understanding of risk and the practical skills for addressing it are therefore essential. In this book, Andrew Reeves explains the meaning of risk in counselling and psychotherapy, showing that rather than just a feature of therapy that either is or isn't present, it is in fact threaded through the therapeutic process. Offering practical advice and links to research and policy to inform ethical practice, the book tackles: The definition of risk and how risk is linked to social, psychological and relational factors. Work with those who are at risk of suicide, self-injury, self-harm and/or area risk to others. Risk in situations involving child protection and mental health crises. Risks that can arise in the therapeutic process, such as boundary violation. Risks to the therapist, such as poor self-care. Working with risk proactively and the importance of positive risk-taking. Filled with case studies and points for reflection, this is an essential resource for counsellors and psychotherapists, as well as those working in other helping professions. Book jacket.

Andrew Reeves - Essential Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy - Andrew Reeves: Working with Risk in Counselling and Psychotherapy book TXT, EPUB, DJV

In American Catch , our foremost fish expert Paul Greenberg looks to New York oysters, gulf shrimp, and Alaskan salmon to reveal how it came to be that 91 percent of the seafood Americans eat is foreign.Discussion questions and contemporary examples throughout help readers develop o broad understanding of 'he social forces influencing families, relationships and intimate life, encouraging them to critically examine and reflect upon their own beliefs and experiences.It features embedded page numbers from the previous print editions (to facilitate referencing, classroom assignment, and continuity with the new ebook editions), as well as all the original tables and figures.The authors provide exciting and enlightening perspectives on COX-2 and related molecular targets in the future of medicine, including historical perspectives.The second volume covers diverse topics, including strong coupling expansions and their analysis, Monte Carlo simulations, two-dimensional conformal field theory, and simple disordered systems.By contrast, Understanding Sound Tracks Through Film Theory is both rigorous and accessible to all scholars with a basic grasp of cinematic and musical structures.Elaine Hsieh has put together over 15 hours of interpreter-mediated medical encounters, interview data with 26 interpreters from 17 different cultures/languages, 39 health care providers from 5 clinical specialties, and surveys of 293 providers from 5 clinical specialties.Now authors Sheldon Solomon, Jeff Greenberg, and Tom Pyszczynski clarify with wide-ranging evidence the many ways the worm at the core guides our thoughts and actions, from the great art we create to the devastating wars we wage.Rappers promote them.The research topics are chosen based on the degree of uniqueness, originality and novelty and not based on the famousness.L. Austin's How to Do Things with Words and Emile Benveniste's definition of the performative as a form of speaking in which the act of speech creates its own referent.This selection of original papers by an international and multi-disciplinary group of scholars provides the first book-length illustration of the value of this fast-growing approach.