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Frimette Kass-shraibman - 500 Financial Questions Financial Accounting and Reporting Questions for the Cpa Exam read online PDF


500 Ways to Achieve Your Highest Score We want you to succeed on the financial accounting and reporting portion of the CPA Exam. That's why we've selected these 500 questions to help you study more effectively, use your preparation time wisely, and get your best score. These questions are similar to the ones you ll find on the CPA Exam so you will know what to expect on test day. Each question includes a concise, easy-to-follow explanation in the answer key for your full understanding of the concepts. Whether you have been studying all year or are doing a last-minute review, "McGraw-Hill Education: 500 Financial Accounting and Reporting Questions for the CPA Exam" will help you achieve the high score you desire. Sharpen your subject knowledge, strengthen your thinking skills, and build your test-taking confidence with: 500 CPA Exam-style questions Full explanations for each question in the answer key A format parallel to that of the CPA Exam", Sharpen your skills and prepare for your CPA exam with a wealth of essential facts in a fast-and-easy Q&A format Get the question-and-answer practice you need with "McGraw-Hill's 500 Financial Accounting and Reporting Questions for the CPA Exam." Organized for easy reference and intensive practice, the questions cover all essential topics and include detailed answer explanations. The 500 practice questions are similar to course exam questions so you will know what to expect on test day. Each question includes a fully detailed answer that puts the subject in context. This additional practice helps you build your knowledge, strengthen test-taking skills, and build confidence. From standards to disclosures, this book covers the key concepts in financial accounting and reporting. Prepare for exam day with: 500 essential questions and answers organized by subject Detailed answers that provide important context for studying Content that follows the real CPA exam

500 Financial Questions Financial Accounting and Reporting Questions for the Cpa Exam by Frimette Kass-shraibman read online book TXT, FB2

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