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Book - Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications (2015, Hardcover) in PDF, DJV, EPUB


..".a much-needed handbook with contributions from well-chosen practitioners. A primary accomplishment is to provide guidance for those involved in modeling and simulation in support of Systems of Systems development, more particularly guidance that draws on well-conceived academic research to define concepts and terms, that identifies primary challenges for developers, and that suggests fruitful approaches grounded in theory and successful examples." Paul Davis, The RAND Corporation Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications provides a comprehensive overview of the underlying theory, methods, and solutions in modeling and simulation support for system of systems engineering. Highlighting plentiful multidisciplinary applications of modeling and simulation, the book uniquely addresses the criteria and challenges found within the field. Beginning with a foundation of concepts, terms, and categories, a theoretical and generalized approach to system of systems engineering is introduced, and real-world applications via case studies and examples are presented. A unified approach is maintained in an effort to understand the complexity of a single system as well as the context among other proximate systems. In addition, the book features: Cutting edge coverage of modeling and simulation within the field of system of systems, including transportation, system health management, space mission analysis, systems engineering methodology, and energy State-of-the-art advances within multiple domains to instantiate theoretic insights, applicable methods, and lessons learned from real-world applications of modeling and simulation The challenges of system of systems engineering using a systematic and holistic approach Key concepts, terms, and activities to provide a comprehensive, unified, and concise representation of the field A collection of chapters written by over 40 recognized international experts from academia, government, and industry A research agenda derived from the contribution of experts that guides scholars and researchers towards open questions Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications is an ideal reference and resource for academics and practitioners in operations research, engineering, statistics, mathematics, modeling and simulation, and computer science. The book is also an excellent course book for graduate and PhD-level courses in modeling and simulation, engineering, and computer science., Features a comprehensive treatment on the use of modeling and simulation support for system of systems engineering as well as best practices in the industry"Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications" provides a comprehensive overview of the underlying theory, methods, and solutions in modeling and simulation support for system of systems engineering. Highlighting plentiful multidisciplinary applications of modeling and simulation, the book addresses the criteria and challenges found within the field.Beginning with a foundation of concepts, terms, and categories, the book introduces a theoretical and generalized approach to system of systems engineering, and presents real-world applications via case studies and examples. A unified approach is maintained in an effort to understand the complexity of a single system as well as the context among other proximate systems. In addition, the book features: Cutting edge coverage of modeling and simulation within the field of system of systems, including transportation, system health management, space mission analysis, systems engineering methodology, and energy State-of-the-art advances within multiple domains to instantiate theoretic insights, applicable methods, and lessons learned from real-world applications of modeling and simulationThe challenges of system of systems engineering using a systematic and holistic approachKey concepts, terms, and activities to provide a comprehensive, unified, and concise representation of the fieldA collection of chapters written by over 40 recognized international experts from academia, government, and industryA research agenda derived from the contribution of experts that guides scholars and researchers towards open questions"Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications" is an ideal reference and resource for academics and practitioners in operations research, engineering, statistics, mathematics, modeling and simulation, and computer science. The book is also an excellent course book for graduate and PhD-level courses in modeling and simulation, engineering, and computer science., This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of theory, methods, and solutions in modeling and simulation support for system of systems engineering. In addition, the book offers researchers, academicians, and practitioners progressive findings and provides the foundation for identifying comprehensive and concise representation of concepts, terms, and activities making up the current body of knowledge. A unified approach to understanding not only the complexity within a single system, but understanding that complexity within the context of other proximate systems is presented throughout. Written by international experts in the field, the book is comprised of the following three parts: Part I: Introduction and Fundamentals; Part II: Theoretic Contributions and Methods; and Part III: Practical Applications and Lessons Learned. Multiple domains are addressed to instantiate theoretic insights, applicable methods, and lessons learned from real-world applications of modeling and simulation for system of systems. In addition, cutting edge discussions within the field are presented, including coverage of transportation, system health management, space mission analysis, systems engineering methodology, energy, etc.

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In the second part, the book leads into the signal processing from the basics of the system theory, followed by fundamentals of different signal processing transforms with examples.Encyclopedic in scope, "Volume 1" spans several disciplines--Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering--and covers: New Measurement Techniques in Structural Health Monitoring Traffic Congestion Management Measurements in Environmental Engineering Dimensions, Surfaces, and Their Measurement Luminescent Method for Pressure Measurement Vibration Measurement Temperature Measurement Force Measurement Heat Transfer Measurements for Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow Solar Energy Measurements Human Movement Measurements Physiological Flow Measurements GIS and Computer Mapping Seismic Testing of Highway Bridges Hydrology Measurements Mobile Source Emissions Testing Mass Properties Measurement Resistive Strain Measurement Devices Acoustics Measurements Pressure and Velocity Measurements Heat Flux Measurement Wind Energy Measurements Flow Measurement Statistical Quality Control Industrial Energy Efficiency Industrial Waste Auditing Vital for engineers, scientists, and technical managers in industry and government, "Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering" will also prove ideal for members of major engineering associations and academics and researchers at universities and laboratories.Research activities in applied informatic fields related to the design, planning and management of engineering disciplines are increasing.The book is written for readers from diverse backgrounds across chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering, medical science, environmental, bio- and nano- technologies and biomedical engineering.This book forms a companion volume to both SysML for Systems Engineering - a model-based approach and Model-based Requirements Engineering , both published by the IET.Gordon Liddy and Howard Stern.This book presents mathematical foundations of software engineering and state-of-the-art engineering methods in their theoretical substance in the step towards practical applications to examine software engineering techniques and foundations used for industrial tasks.The contributions in this volume emerged from lectures of the 25th International Summer School on Engineering Theories of Software Intensive Systems, held at Marktoberdorf, Germany from August 3 to August 15, 2004.This is the fifth book published within the Ashgate Studies in Resilience Engineering series.Breaking new ground on a story we think we know, Dylan Goes Electric!Practical aspects of implemen- tions are discussed at each level as the complexity of the problems increase, suppo- ing with enough number of computational examples."Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a surface imaging technique that can be applied at sub-nanometre resolution in liquids and gases.The Encyclopedia includes entries written by experts in each subject under the guidance of an international panel of key researchers from academia, national laboratories and industry.Bangladesh's location and physical geography presents the prefect microcosm for the study of coastal hazards and prevention for the world.