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Emily May is in danger of losing everything she s worked forher job, her home, her friends, and the security she provides her younger sister back in Singaporeall because she doesn t have a green card. Racecar enthusiast, high-flying, fast-living Derian Winfield needs to rehabilitate her black sheep reputation in a hurry or the family business will likely end up being lost in a takeover. What she needs is to convince the board of directors she s a changed woman, and for that she needs a wife. Now if she can only convince Emily to marry her, and make her believe it s for love and not money, both their problems will be solved. Derian has six months to wage a believable courtship and win the biggest race of her lifeall she has to do is make sure Emily doesn t get wind of the real reason behind her plans. ", Emily May is in danger of losing everything she's worked for--her job, her home, her friends, and the security she provides her younger sister back in Singapore--all because she doesn't have a green card. Racecar enthusiast, high-flying, fast-living Derian Winfield needs to rehabilitate her black sheep reputation in a hurry or the family business will likely end up being lost in a takeover. What she needs is to convince the board of directors she's a changed woman, and for that she needs a wife. Now if she can only convince Emily to marry her, and make her believe it's for love and not money, both their problems will be solved. Derian has six months to wage a believable courtship and win the biggest race of her life--all she has to do is make sure Emily doesn't get wind of the real reason behind her plans., Literary agent Emily May is in danger of losing everything she s worked forher job, her home, her friends, and the security she provides her older sister back in Singaporeall because she doesn t have a green card. Racecar enthusiast, high-flying, fast-living Derian Winfield is called home when the only family member she still cares about falls ill. Forced into assuming a role in her father s dynasty she s spent years avoiding, Derian needs to rehabilitate her black sheep reputation in a hurry or the agency will likely end up being lost in a takeover. Together, she and Emily take on Derian s father and his hatchet woman, and in the process, Derian comes up with a plan to solve both their problems. Now she only needs to convince Emily to marry her, a perfectly reasonable solution to all their troubles, or so she thinks. She just hadn t counted on falling in love. "

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Featuring charming full-color photographs of the knitted toys, this book is a must-have for knitters and their loved ones., A knit-and-read book: 13 farm-centric projects for the perfect homespun toys, with a bonus story.It was very successful, with new editions appearing over the next twenty years, while Pardoe was considered to be second only to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu among female writers on Turkey.There are many different ways to prepare for the CLEP* exam.Instead, he demands more because that is what we all deserve.", Why should we have to Keep Calm and Carry On?Like every authoritarian regime in history, Nazi Germany tried to control intellectual freedom through book censorship.Empowered by communication enabled by social media, a community of activists, editors, programmers and others are finding ways to challenge abusive state powers online.Alexei Navalny used his LiveJournal to expose political corruption in Russian, and gained a viral following after attacking Putin's "party of crooks and thieves." Grigory Melkonyants, deputy director of the nation's only independent election watchdog organization, developed a visual that tracked and mapped voter fraud across the country.The results of this assault on Russian culture are particularly evident in ruined architectural monuments, some of which are little known even within Russia itself.The pope has an easy conversational style that moves effortlessly between folksy sayings and erudite allusions, between common-sense logic and impassioned philosophical insights." --Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times "What makes his book most moving is the way in which this man, without disrespecting his own privacy or offering false bromides of modesty, opens the sacred space of his conscience to explain how he came to center his ministry, and now his papacy, around mercy." --James Carroll, The New Yorker "As he has done throughout his papacy, Pope Francis shows in this book a compelling way to present God's love anew to a skeptical world without denying the ancient teachings of faith.What's best for you depends on how much time you have to study and how comfortable you are with the subject matter.Olena Kalytiak Davis is a first-generation Ukrainian American who was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan.Taking inspiration from such heroes as David Lee Roth and Rocky, he decided to do something about it.Maintaining that diary, now 800,000 words, had become, until recently, a kind of spiritual practice.What changes and continuities can be detected in tragedy after the fifth century BC?Why does it cost so much and is it worth it?Renowned sociologist Andrew Hacker and New York Times writer Claudia Dreifus make an incisive case that the American way of higher education, now a $420 billion-per-year business, has lost sight of its primary mission: the education of young adults.Here to help navigate this terrain is farmer, consultant, and author Rebecca Thistlethwaite (Farms with a Future) and her husband and coauthor, Jim Dunlop.Lebo recounts the clashes between Welles and studio executives eager to see him fail, the high-pressure production schedule, and the groundbreaking results.